Homeopathic Remedies For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Whilst homeopathy is still greatly distrusted by many in the medical profession, there are homeopathic remedies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that can still bring relief to many people who suffer from this condition.


If you choose this route – and for many sufferers, it tends to be a last resort – it’s crucial that you find an experienced homeopath who is able to diagnose remedies based on an unbiased appraisal of you and the symptoms you present.

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Supplements For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Complicated as it already is, this condition stirs up more controversy with regard to using supplements for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms.  Several medical professionals – together with researchers and experts – believe nutritional supplements can help manage the symptoms. And, despite there being no approved therapeutic evidence, some people self medicate with supplements instead of taking prescribed medications.

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Natural Treatments For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Natural treatments for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome may address concerns over the side effects of pharmaceutical medications, but it must be borne in mind that something even as simple as a lifestyle change can be stressful to a CFS patient. And it must be emphasized that these treatments do not replace conventional medication; rather, they compliment treatments that your doctor has prescribed.


People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome must collaborate with a health care provider or professional and take note of even minor signs of a setback. Planning regular exercises or activities must be constantly adjusted to the progress of the individual by choosing the most suitable exercise and environment.

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Treatments For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


This condition has no proven cure but there are treatments for chronic fatigue syndrome that have been studied and have been under research for some time.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome affects individuals uniquely and so, logically, this is the approach with medications. By collaborating with your doctor you can ensure you get the appropriate treatment that is tailored specifically to your condition.

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What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?



What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a complex physical disorder that is also associated with psychological factors, and may continue for years.

In the past this condition was more often referred to as ME, or Myalgic  Encephalomyelitis. Today it is generally referred to under the umbrella term of ME/CFS; –


  • ME – “myalgic” means muscular aches and pains, whilst “encephalomyelitis” means inflammation of the brain and/or spinal chord.
  • CFS – chronic fatigue syndrome which refers to persistent, long term fatigue.

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