Better Digestion – Simple Steps You Can Take

Better digestion can improve your life in many ways.

If you can improve your digestion, you’ll get

  • far more of the nutritional value from the foods you eat,
  • an improved immune system
  • more energy
  • less bloating

and many more benefits.

And to help you, I’ve made up a simple infographic highlighting 7 simple steps you can take right now for better digestion.

Just click on the image to go to a full-sized version.

infographic better digestion

Top 10 Home Stomach Remedies



If you’ve ever had an upset stomach after a spicy meal, a particularly stressful day, or just when you try out new foods (and it’s too late to visit the pharmacy), you know that your stomach is in need of some home stomach remedies.

But, the answer may not lie in running to the pharmacy and grabbing something off the shelf, anyway. When stomach trouble hits (and even before in some cases), consider home stomach remedies as your first line of defense.

Continue reading Top 10 Home Stomach Remedies

Really? The Claim: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion

Here’s a post from the New York Times that shows that, sometimes, the simplest change to your routine can have enormous benefits…

New York Times 24th June

The Claim: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion

For many people, the food-induced stupor that often follows a big meal is a good excuse for a nap. But for some, a brief walk shortly after eating is a quick way to burn some calories and aid digestion.
Over the years, researchers have found that a post-meal walk, as short as 15 minutes, can in fact help with digestion and improve blood sugar levels.

Continue reading Really? The Claim: Taking a Walk After a Meal Aids Digestion

Best Natural Approaches To A Healthy Gut


Gut feeling

Matt Chittock discovers the best natural approaches to help bloated consumers get back to a balanced, healthy gut.



Do you complain about pain or irritability in the gut?

Would you prefer to have a healthy gut that’s back in balance?

Then you’re certainly not alone – from serious bowel issues to everyday bloating, a massive nine million people in the UK have problems with their digestive system.

Continue reading Best Natural Approaches To A Healthy Gut

The Benefits of Probiotics

This is an article that I found back in 2013 in Medical News Today that is just as relevant today as it was then. Whilst stress may not be the actual cause of your IBS, it is instrumental in making it worse and prolonging it…..

The Benefits Of Probiotics For Patients With Stress-Associated Gastrointestinal Disorders

Article Date: 17 Mar 2013 – 0:00 PDT
For those with irritable bowel syndrome who wonder if stress aggravates their intestinal disorder, a new University of Michigan Health System study shows it’s not all in their head and that one of the benefits of probiotics may well help.