As you know, I supply quite a range of foods “loose” which entails keeping them in perspex bins for you to help yourselves with scoops.
And for some time I’ve been looking for ways to improve this system for every-ones’ benefit.
So, having looked at the way they do this in Holland, Canada and the USA, I’m moving with the times and installing gravity feed bins.
These systems are well known in other countries, but rarely used here. However, I’ve found that
- they ensure good stock rotation – so you can be sure you’re getting the freshest produce,
- the product is displayed better – so you can see what you’re getting more easily
- it’s easier to dispense – so you don’t need 3 hands to get what you want
- it’s more hygienic – which can only be good
So, I’ve taken the plunge & bought & installed the first few – just to try them out. Initially this will be for eight of the mueslis, but from the positive response, I’ll be investing in more in the next couple of months for nuts, rice, seeds, etc.,
If you haven’t noticed them yet, come in and have a play, they’re really rather good fun!