A while ago, scientists noticed a curiously low incidence of heart disease among Greenland’s Inuits despite their high fat diet. The reason? They were eating fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids.
Further studies have confirmed the cardio-protective effect of fish oils while uncovering other benefits as well.
The fat in fish contains a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid called Omega 3. The fish don’t manufacture such fats, but obtain them from the plankton they eat – the colder the water, the more Omega 3 the plankton contain.
The two most potent forms of Omega 3s –eicosapentaenoic acid (EHA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA)- are found in abundance in cold-water fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel and tuna. The sources of a third type of Omega 3, alpha-linoic acid (ALA), are certain vegetable oils (such as flaxseed oil) and leafy greens.
Because these fatty acids cannot be manufactured in our bodies, they have to be obtained through diet or supplements. For this reason they are referred to as “essential fatty acids”.
EFAs in fish oils appear to reduce the risk of heart disease in several ways:
- They make platelets less likely to clump together and form the clots that lead to heart attacks.
- Also, they can reduce the blood fats carried with cholesterol (triglycerides) and may lower blood pressure.
- Within the artery walls, they can help reduce plaque build up by inhibiting inflammation.
- After angioplasty, taking fish oils in therapeutic doses is one of the few successful ways to prevent re-blockage of the arteries.
Omega 3s are also useful for joint problems, lupus and psoriasis due to their general anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that people with rheumatoid arthritis experience less joint swelling and stiffness.
Fish oils may also help to ease menstrual cramps. Studies also show a reduction in symptoms of people suffering from Crohn’s disease.
Recent interest has been shown in using Omega 3s to assist with school children suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Many research articles have stated that a deficiency of essential fatty acids during school years could be a cause of a decreasing IQ, homework scores and general attention in the classroom.
A study in County Durham involving 120 children found that, by supplementing with Omega 3s, reading and writing abilities and concentration of children with learning difficulties appeared to improve. Recent programs aired on television have helped to substantiate this.
Where there are now concerns over the amount of oily fish we should eat – primarily due to contamination of the fish (e.g., mercury) – it is now even more necessary to consider a reputable fish oil supplement. Whilst there are many available at all price ranges, it is always wise to check on the processes involved in their manufacture. The best supplements use a cleaning method that ensures that mercury and other contaminants are removed during production.
Possible side effects:
Fish oil capsules may caus.e belching, bloating and nausea in some people. Generally, should you experience any of this, it would be advisable to change to a flaxseed oil supplement.
As Omega 3s inhibits blood clotting, if you have a blood disorder or are taking anticoagulants, you should consult your doctor before taking fish oil supplements.
Fish oil supplements should not be taken during the two days before or after surgery.
Larger doses of fish oil sup.plements can raise blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should consult their doctors before taking this supplement.