Information about healthy eating, nutrition and special diets.

Top 10 Home Stomach Remedies



If you’ve ever had an upset stomach after a spicy meal, a particularly stressful day, or just when you try out new foods (and it’s too late to visit the pharmacy), you know that your stomach is in need of some home stomach remedies.

But, the answer may not lie in running to the pharmacy and grabbing something off the shelf, anyway. When stomach trouble hits (and even before in some cases), consider home stomach remedies as your first line of defense.

Continue reading Top 10 Home Stomach Remedies

5 Foods To Improve Your Prostate Health


5 Foods to improve your prostate health

This is a post I originally wrote in 2011 ! It’s still as relevant today as it was then.


Good prostate health is supported by a variety of foods rich in nutrients that are often considered to be “super foods”.

And it’s not just a trendy term, these really are super foods and doctors will often recommend diets based around these foods as they do such a good job of keeping your prostate healthy.

However, doctors generally only get to recommend things that help with prostate problems when you actually know (and admit) that there is a problem.

Ensuring that you include these following 5 types of food in your regular diet will help to keep that visit to the doctor (and the need for the dreaded Digital Rectal Examination!!) at bay.

Continue reading 5 Foods To Improve Your Prostate Health

Plant Based Milk – A brief Guide

A Guide to the Best Plant Based Milk Alternatives

plant based milk alternatives

Are you considering a plant based milk alternative?


If so, it’s probably because you’re aware of the dangers of dairy – or, at least, think it may be behind your health problems.


Once upon a time – not too long ago – we were all told to get several servings of dairy each day. At least a couple of generations were raised on the “milk is good for you” nutrition attitude that has caused a lot of health problems for so many people.


In fact, my age group can remember being given a small bottle of milk to drink every day at school.


But times have changed. And now we know that milk and dairy products don’t necessarily lead to improved bone health, that was one of the big selling points of milk.


However, a Swedish study showed that when women drink more than 3 glasses of milk a day, they increased their death rate over 20 years by 100%.


Additionally, multiple studies have shown an increased risk of

  • type I diabetes,
  • several cancers,
  • high cholesterol,
  • acne
  • and pro-inflammatory conditions

for people who are on a diet which includes dairy milk.


Which Plant Based Milk Alternative Should I Use?

Continue reading Plant Based Milk – A brief Guide

Natural Remedies For Headaches


Natural Remedies For Headaches


Headaches can be extremely painful and because of this, many people don’t feel that natural cures for headaches will work.

However, if you’re one of those unfortunate people who suffer from regular headaches, you’ll know that anything is worth trying!

So here are the some of the best natural cures for headaches for the three most common types of headache.

Continue reading Natural Remedies For Headaches

Cherries and Their Benefits

The benefits of cherries


The Mail Online have been extolling the virtues of Montmorency Cherries lately – in fact on July 10th they ran the following article.

by John Naish, Mail ONLINE & Daily Mail (FemailMAGAZINE) – 10th July 2015

George Washington would surely have left his father’s cherry tree undamaged if he knew knew what scientists are learning today.

For studies reveal that cherries are unusually rich in health-promoting compounds which can trim our tummy, help prevent heart disease, make exercise easier and even improve our sleep.

So at just less than 100 calories and half a gram of fat per serving, you have every reason to take more than two bites at the cherry.

Read the whole article here>>>

Of course, I stock the concentrated juice and the capsules here in store, so if you’re convinced, call in & buy some!


Wheatgrass. Nature’s Perfect Health Food

Wheatgrass. Nature’s Perfect Health Food.


When most people hear talk of wheatgrass, they tend to think of shots, smoothies, and all natural health drinks.

While wheatgrass is widely known as something that’s commonly found in health food stores and at juice bars, it’s available in other forms and can even be grown in a home garden.

Because wheatgrass has become more popular it’s also become more readily available. However there’s more to wheatgrass than just trendy all-natural juice bars and coffee shop concoctions.

The truth is that wheatgrass comes with a rich history and a wide variety of health benefits that many people may not even know about.

Read on toto find out more about wheatgrass and how you can enjoy this nutrient rich plant food that provides a wide variety of health benefits.

Continue reading Wheatgrass. Nature’s Perfect Health Food

Switching to The Mediterranean Diet.


5 Simple Steps to Switching to the Mediterranean Diet



A huge nutrition study out of Spain was published in 2013, delivering some wonderful health news that confirms what we’ve been saying for some time.


The New England Journal of Medicine offered compelling evidence to prove that the Mediterranean Diet delivered an approximately 30% chance of lowering cardiovascular diseases, including stroke.


Researchers for the Harvard School of Public Health, the Cambridge Health Alliance, the British Medical Journal and others have reported similar findings.


Younger looking and stronger skin, healthy weight loss and improved mental functioning have also been linked to a diet rich in plant foods, vegetables and fruits, the right kinds of fish, good fats and whole grains – the basic ingredients the Mediterranean Diet revolves around.


So, how do you switch to the Mediterranean Diet ?

Put the following 5 simple steps in practice, and your brain, heart and entire body will begin feeling and looking healthy and fit.

Continue reading Switching to The Mediterranean Diet.

Coconut Oil Health Benefits

Coconut Oil Health Benefits

coconut oil health benefits

Coconut oil has become very “on trend” as a natural health remedy as well as a healthy addition to any diet.


In recent years, we’ve all been trained to accept that unsaturated fats are good for us and saturated fats are bad, but many people who follow a natural diet don’t believe this is true. 


Whilst saturated fats may be harder for your body to burn off, they are more natural than processed oils and better for your body.


Here are just a few coconut oil health benefits…

Continue reading Coconut Oil Health Benefits