Information about healthy eating, nutrition and special diets.

Strokes Don’t Give You Any Warning!


Typically, strokes don’t give you any warning!

And because there are no early warning signs, it’s critical that you work on your diet to help reduce the chances of having a stroke.

Bearing in mind that a typical Western diet increases the chances of a stroke by over 50% and a healthy diet of whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables and oily fish can lower the risk by 30%, sorting your diet should really be a “no-brainer”.

Here’s what The Readers Digest in Canada suggest you do to

improve your diet>>>



Moving With The Times

As you know, I supply quite a range of foods “loose” which entails keeping them in perspex bins for you to help yourselves with scoops.

And for some time I’ve been looking for ways to improve this system for every-ones’ benefit.

So, having looked at the way they do this in Holland, Canada and the USA, I’m moving with the times and installing gravity feed bins.


gravity bins


These systems are well known in other countries, but rarely used here. However, I’ve found that

  • they  ensure good stock rotation – so you can be sure you’re getting the freshest produce,
  • the product is displayed better – so you can see what you’re getting more easily
  • it’s easier to dispense – so you don’t need 3 hands to get what you want
  • it’s more hygienic – which can only be good

So, I’ve taken the plunge & bought & installed the first few – just to try them out. Initially this will be for eight of the mueslis, but from the positive response, I’ll be investing in more in the next couple of months for nuts, rice, seeds, etc.,

If you haven’t noticed them yet, come in and have a play, they’re really rather good fun!


Unethical Wholefoods – Who’d Believe It?

It doesn’t matter what it is, whenever something becomes popular it attracts unethical and often illegal practices.

But the wholefood industry?

Think again. I’ve just come across this article in the Telegraph that makes for uncomfortable reading…

Unethical health food: is your avocado habit funding drug cartels?

You might think they’re Earth-loving and wholesome, but fashionable health foods such as almonds, avocados, soy and quinoa can have a dark side, writes Gareth May

Read the full article here>>>

The Benefits of Adding Soya to Your Diet

The Benefits of Adding Soya to Your Diet

Provamel soya milk

Soya has long been used as a healthy substitute for many food ingredients.  The bean has been touted for decades as a source of numerous nutrients, including protein, amino acids, calcium and fibre.

And more recently, it has been discovered that soya also contains phytochemicals that boost its benefits to our health.

Continue reading The Benefits of Adding Soya to Your Diet

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil



Although there has been controversy surrounding the use of coconut oil, recent studies assert there are definitive health benefits in using the oil.


Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which is a saturated fatty acid that has an anti-microbial component.


More importantly, the anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties in coconut oil are now widely accepted as a healthy alternative that can be utilized in a variety of areas:

Continue reading The Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Apple Cider Vinegar

The Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegarapple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has been used in many ways for many years. It has been an important ingredient in numerous home remedies, and it has frequently been used for weight loss. This simple, inexpensive substance has seemingly endless uses. Here are some of them:

* For weight loss, drink two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before each meal. This is not a quick fix, but it has been said to cause gradual weight loss with no major changes in diet. Coupled with a sensible diet and exercise routine, however, it could cause somewhat quicker weight loss and help you keep the weight off.

* For a cold or the flu, take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in water several times a day. This will help balance the body’s pH levels, making it a less favourable environment for any germs.

* Apple cider vinegar is great for getting rid of dandruff. Applying it to the scalp and letting it stand for 30 minutes to an hour before washing will kill the fungus that causes dandruff. It also helps soothe an itchy scalp.

* Diabetics can benefit from taking apple cider vinegar in water once a day. This has been proven to help lower blood sugar.

* Apple cider vinegar is often used to relieve sinus problems and ear infections. Depending on your symptoms, you can drink it, add it to a vaporizer, inhale it, or drip it in your ear with a pipette and let it drain back out.

* Digestive problems and diarrhea can be relieved with an apple cider vinegar tonic. The vinegar soaks up liquid and forms a protective coating in the intestines, and it activates stomach acid and enzymes. It may also relieve the symptoms of acid reflux.

* Apple cider vinegar can soothe a sunburn. You can soak a towel in it at full strength and place it directly on the burn, or you can take a bath in water with one cup of the vinegar added.

* Painful and unsightly varicose veins can benefit from treatment with apple cider vinegar. Apply it full strength twice a day, and drink two teaspoons in water twice a day. It may take a month to see results.

* Apple cider vinegar is good for a sore throat. Gargling with a vinegar and water mixture every hour can help you feel better faster. But it is important to remember not to swallow the mixture once you’ve gargled with it, because it draws out germs.

* Muscle soreness can be treated with apple cider vinegar. It can be applied full strength with a small amount of cayenne pepper added, or you can soak in a bath with a few cups of vinegar added.

These are just a few of the myriad ways that you can use apple cider vinegar for health. Drinking a vinegar tonic each day can improve your health in a number of ways. You can also apply it topically to rid yourself of many more aliments.

Stocking up on apple cider vinegar will put the remedy for a variety of problems right at your fingertips and, of course, you can stock up in the shop.